Saturday 21 March 2015

Drawing quotes

Considering illustrating quotes from The Drawing Book and The Stage of Drawing: Gesture and Act, read at Eleanor's suggestion, because there's some vivid imagery I could use and it relates well to my essay.

Some quotes I've collected thus far

"Conceivably, drawing may be the most haunting obsession the mind can experience" Paul Valery

"Drawing is all" and subsequent paragraph page 31 Giacometti

"I have always understood drawing to be, in essence, the materialisation of a continually mutable process, the movements rhythms , and partially comprehended ruminations of the mind" pg 67

"Drawing can define both the real and unreal in visual terms. This is a positive act of displacement and is one of many reasons that drawings are made. When we look at drawings we often position them very close to the maker. We are witnessing something being created at no further tan arm reach, and can often see the moment passing and thought emerging right there on the page."

"Making a mark where one can first experience some sort of visual control over it occurs at bout the age of 18 months"

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