Sunday 7 June 2015

Presidential Assassinations and Attempts

I've been listening to the Sondheims musical Assassins a lot lately which has lead me to research further into the stories of these assassination attempts. It's pretty riveting. In the musical they sing of the most notable assassinations and attempts, telling the story of each person - John Wilkes Booth, Charles Guiteau, Leon Czolgosz, Guisseppe Zangara, Lynette Fromme, Sarah Jane Moore, John Hinckley Jr and Lee Harvey Oswald.

So. Presidential Assassins. Research are go.


"Sic semper tyrannis" Latin phrase meaning 'thus always to tyrants'. Speculated to be the words of Brutus upon stabbing Caesar and was subsequently the declaration of John Wilkes Booth when assassinating Abraham Lincoln

All of this video, interview with Lynette Fromme. Manic eyes.

also this one which I haven't listened to all of but its like two weeks after she was arrested for the assassination attempt

Assassins November 22nd 1963,  scene between John Wilkes Booth and Lee Harvey Oswald as the assassins persuade Oswald to shoot JFK. Despite artistic license it holds many a useful fact on Oswalds life in flowery verse


The Temple of Music by the Tower of Light at the great Pan American Exposition in Buffalo

where William McKinley was assassinated by Leon Czolgosz

this links into my other avenue of research which is worlds fairs and disposable expositions. spooky



Ronald Reagan in hospital four days after being shot by John Hinkley Jr


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