Wednesday, 18 November 2015

structurey plan


introduce printed media and suggestion of its increasing obselesence
talk about magazines
lifestyle magazines their online counterparts
begs question if more info is available faster for free online, whsts the point in magazines

rich history of printed media
timeline of lifestyle magazines
history of publishers
point about fancy mags being time honoured and trashy being more recent
then history of internet media, online magazines, social networks up to what we can do now
we can do what we want its just a matter of thinking of it etc etc yadayadayadah

look at print magazines now
compare equivalents
current state of publishers
online counterparts
what online offers that print doenst
what print offers that online doesnt
benefits disadvantages of each, argue through them, a good chunk of essay
similarities and differences
things print magazines took from online and vice versa
in that section look at yellow journalism and clickbait as a main example
also in this section, validity of news, speed, accessibility, can get away with more in print or online?

online couldnt ahve existed without print but could it now
do we need it? what do people think
is it the same as the argument of books over tablets
what people think online media could do in future
resurgence of print? will it be strong enough

where does print stand in sales figures, what are the predictions,
what would a world without print be like
thinking of that reality, is print necessary, and then are printed lifestyle magazines nevessary

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