Thursday 15 October 2015

I'm tying to define my question, but it is difficult

I feel like I know exactly where my visual side is going, but I've scarcely even begun with the writing.

At the minute for the visual part I'm thinking of making the end product just enormous drawings, as was suggested to me, and their context would just be like gallery space work, ykno like those illustrators who just make work to be looked at that isn't a product or anything. It'd be nice to do something like that, have a little break form the rigmerall of product range and distribution. Also I think the way I've been working is best suited to that. I think the drawings should be A1 and just drawn straight onto the paper similar to the smaller ones, just slightly more planned. For this to happen I'll have to make several more smaller preparatory drawings, at least one smaller one per magazine I explore, so in the end I'll have this body of smaller pieces of work that I could form into a booklet which would be hypothetically given out to gallery goers as an acompanying souvenir.

I dunno maybe that'll work

But what am I actually exploring I can't just look pointlessly at magazines.

So what do I think.. opinions and stuff

Okay I think theyre manipulative first and for most, but maybe this is just a trait of  tabloid magazines, or maybe its more obvious and heavy handed in those.

Am I comparing?
If I'm comparing am I comparing tabloid and glossy magazines, or mens and womens magazines, or all different lifestyle magazines? or fancy magazines and trashy magazines for both men and women?
am i looking at language? imagery? content? design? all of these things?
how do i find the balance between being too diffuse and too specific
in Peep Show that dancer told Mark that if he cant sum up all his aims in the first line theyre too diffuse
then again she was a fictional stripper, so maybe her word isnt gospel

what even are my aims

christ what am i doing

okay….. so I want to explore magazines, thats a start, i am interested in….
the way they use language? to manipulate?
I guess first of all i want to find out if they are manipulative
or is that overalll
maybe thats what I'm doing, an investigation into the manipulative tactics of magazines and to what extent they are in use in different examples…..
that sounds a bit waffley and vague...
Do magazines use manipulation to encourage purchasing
Do magazines manipulate their audiences to ensure sales
To what extent are manipulative techniques used in different lifestyle magazines
How do lifestyle magazines maniuplate their audiences into continually buying magazines

too biasedddddd…..

do lifestyle magazines demonstrate manipulative techniques in order to ensure their own prosperity
that one sounded okay

can this work as an investiagtion? the project? can it be structured like that and not fail?

I suppose so as long as theres peoples quotes to back it up and whatnot
it would be mixed first hand research and my own analysis, combined with found information about manipulative techniques and then other peoples findings of how these are used in magazines

i think that can work

and i can involve the language and gender debate with looking at how they manipulate differently to different audiences.


i dont think itll be a problem once it gets going i jsut need to know how to start………..

so with regards to chapters and strucutre… if i explore lifestyle magazines i first need to pick some..
I think there should be an even split in intended gender orientation, and maybe two lower quality ones and two higher ones, one for each gender
so eg
star and zoo
cosmo and gq

maybe different age groups?

Sugar, Cosmo, Good Housekeeping
thanks whsmith, useful
ordered by popularity too, how perfect

i think I should probably choose popular ones, to get a view of the general consensus of the masses, this isnt about niche groups, it is the masses,

on a side note this is a real magazine

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