Sunday 18 October 2015


So I've formulated an adjusted plan for the practical aspect

Instead of having three large gallery pieces each demonstrating the entirety of one magazine I'm thinking now of doing preparatory work that does emcompass the aesthetic of a magazine into one image and then using all of these to make a booklet that folds out into an A2 poster.
Also, one of the bits I liked about my first drawing was the accidental poem I made from splicing words out of the text, around the arrow where it says new lease of life, under the knife

so, as I like to have an text based element in my work and I do like playing with words, I think I'm also going to make it follow a structured found poem as the magazine unfolds

I found this video last year of fold out booklets and I think it would work quite well

A2 fold out poster from Linda Leunissen on Vimeo.

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