Wednesday 7 October 2015

language and difference

In the same vein as Lakoff I also recall studying Deborah Tannens theories of language and difference, in the one of language used by men and women

They are as such

  • Status vs. support
  • Independence vs. intimacy
  • Advice vs. understanding
  • Information vs. feelings
  • Orders vs. proposals
  • Conflict vs. compromise 
So again I want to analyse the language of the magazines in accordance with this to see how the female voice is used to manipulate the audience, and whether these are used in male oriented magazines and articles for women written by men 

Really I suppose a large amount of it is a study into language and gender with a secondary part on visual manipulation, which is essentially yellow journalism?

Language and gender and yellow journalism in the modern womens trash magazine.....

a title will come eventually 

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