Friday 2 October 2015

people i want to channel in the visual part

First and for most, Lynda Barry

it's like stream of consciousness drawing, which is what Rowena has taken to calling my cop magazine drawings
I like the scrap book aesthetic its an interesting communication of information as it doesnt follow a linear reading structure
they manage to be very considered intelligent images while still looking scrapbooked and playful and improvised
she is the master

Julie Doucet

queen of obscene lady opinions
garish but considered in colour, cartoon gouache
and the ink
oh so fluid and wavey

Sara Fanelli

theres a strange multi layered textureyness to her imagery
probably due to collage
i should do some more collage
playful with lettering, i can use that

Maira Kalman

her paintings are so seemingly uninhibited, bright and visually funny at times
i love the contrast between the intellect of her subject matter and the naivety of her painting

Hattie Stewart

very apt for this topic, her magazine doodles are like a big fuck you to magazine celebrity culture
grafittiesque, it makes them simultaneously more pretty and more ugly

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