Wednesday 7 October 2015

Starsuckers was very very pivotally useful.

Here are the notes I made.

Start young, convince people happiness and success lies in the entertainment industry

Jake Halgern 'Fame Junkies'

in study about hypothetical magic button boys picked to press the one for fame almost as much as the one for intelligence, and girls did choose fame button more.

reality television created to feed the aspiration of children that one day they'll get onto television, making it viable, saleable and have a constantly refreshing source of willing victims

the key is making it seem attainable

based around creating an addiction to fame, then achieving 'fame and success' releases much craved dopamine, so people try to become famous because it will make them happy, or such is the belief

the earlier you start the more likely you are to become addicted, to anything, which is how the celebrity industry makes us care about what they're doing, infiltrating while young

to keep us hooked on the celebrities sometimes they need to change the type of attention we give them, hence why gossip magazines will build a celebrity and just as quickly tear them back down

smeaton baggage handler, man who jumped on man on train tracks, that guy a few years ago who was there when that woman escaped from that basement

began with evolution, people who liked being in groups survived because they had help and protection and the strength of many people combined, natural loners died at the hands of predators eg. and thus the trait to be naturally social was passed down to us. likewise people who copied others who were successful were in turn successful yet those who wanted to do things a different way often died, leading to the trait of copying and looking to successful people for guidance to be passed on to us. the rug to get lose to the alpha male as a woman was for breeding purposes and for a man to get leftover women and food. the loner or person not drawn to the alpha doesn't reproduce and we develop the trait to congregate around successful people
as a result of this we are appealed to on our most basic instinctive level with advertising and journalism. look at this person who is successful, buy the magazine so you can do what they do and be near to them and be social and survive

surrounded by famous faces, survival instincts tell us to copy them

exploiting our need to be close to the famous

parasocial relationships are ones based not on face to face communication but rather on what you know about the person despite having never met them. the only notable example of this other than that in celebrity culture is the relationship some people have with God
Professer Chris Rojek
it's created and fuelled by media and we ALL do it
the younger these relationships are formed the stronger they are

effective through instinctive processing

monkey test given two screens, looking at one grants them a sip of sugary juice, the other one grants them nothing but shows them images of female monkey bums and the dominant male. the monkeys looked at the latter more frequently, and since they were opting for that over the juice were in effect actually paying to look at the imagery because it is valuable social information

demand for bad news is greater than the demand for good news

gossip useful for figuring out how to handle situations when we are potentially put in similar ones later, preparing ourselves for future danger

we're more interested in learning how to avoid danger than how to become more successful, hence we are drawn more to negative news

pete doherty story giving homeless women £20 was twisted to him buying drugs from her, source was an 'onlooker'

anonymity of sources allows journalists to print whatever they want with no repercussions
fabricating news

'Flat Earth News' Nick Davies

Pierce Morgan, Andy Coulson, Dominic Mohan, Emma Bussey, Colin Myer, Rebekah Brook, Paul Dacre

PCC (research into more) run by newspaper editors so is completely internal

Max Clifford, important, research.

Control the truth, illusion

Live Aid was to sell albums and tabloids

Use of charity to increase power and fame.

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